
College Planning

As a college-preparatory high school, Rosary not only prepares our students for college-level coursework but also assists them in researching colleges and careers, and applying for colleges. We have a dedicated College & Career Counselor. We host visits from college representatives, offer the tools students need to find the right fit. Rosary has a 100 percent college acceptance rate, and students earn millions in college scholarships each year. Most importantly, Rosary graduates are well-prepared to succeed at the college of their choice.

College Representative Visits

Many colleges send representatives to visit Rosary during the school day. These visits are limited to Juniors and Seniors.  Students must sign up with one of the counselors, at lease two days in advance, and secure written permission from their teacher to attend.   

College & Career Calendar


Rosary uses Family Connection from Naviance, a Web-based college planning service designed for both students and parents. Family Connection is a comprehensive website that you can use to help make decisions about colleges, careers and scholarships. Family Connection is linked with Rosary's Counseling & Advising Office, and is used to track and analyze data about college and career plans. It provides up-to-date information specific to our school.

Family Connection will allow you to:
  • Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from your high school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past.
  • Explore careers through interest inventories and the use of Roadtrip Nation.
  • Complete a learning-style inventory with tips on the best ways for you to learn and study.
  • Review status of transcripts requests.
  • Request recommendation letters.
  • Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete on-line surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers.

Family Connection also lets us share information with you about upcoming college rep visits and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other Web resources for college and career information.
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.