Awards presented at Candlelight Ball March 5, 2016
Photo: Rosary Principal Sister Ann Brummel, OP, presents Dominican Alumnae Awards to Bonnie Reder ('80) and Julie Berkhout Martin ('92) at the Candlelight Ball on March 5, 2016.
The Dominican Alumnae Awards recognize graduates who model the mission of Rosary High School and who live the truth (Veritas) as taught by Jesus Christ. Through a life of service, they use their gifts to further Christ’s teachings and are thereby an inspiration to peers as well as to students of Rosary High School. Dominican Alumnae Awards are bestowed for Service, Professional Excellence, and Rosary Spirit. New this year is the Young Leadership Achievement Award.
The Service Award is being presented to Julie Berkhout Martin (‘92) for exhibiting exceptional service to others and making a difference in the world. Julie has volunteered her professional expertise as a marketing consultant and web designer with The Pink Fund for 9 years. Julie has a personal commitment to living a life of integrity. She is a woman of high moral character whose personal and professional actions reflect love and service. She is a great role model for young women. Congratulations, Julie!
The Rosary Spirit Award is presented to Bonnie Currie Reder (‘80). Bonnie demonstrates loyalty and commitment to Rosary students, faculty and staff through service every day while managing the school cafeteria. As an alumna, past parent and staff member, Bonnie is one of Rosary’s leading advocates! Thank you for all you do Bonnie!
Elisabeth Tavierne (‘09) is awarded the Young Leadership Achievement Award this year. Elisabeth started an organization in college at Ohio State by the name of CHAARG. It stands for Changing Health, Attitudes & Actions to Recreate Girls. She turned this club into a for-profit company after college and has expanded to 30 universities and nearly 5,000 members. She is seeking to empower the lives of college-aged girls by introducing them to unique workout challenges, workout fit plans, good food eating tips, and a blog with tips and tricks to help lead a happy and healthy life. CHAARG liberates girls from the elliptical and shows them that fitness can be fun. Once a girl joins CHAARG, she is welcomed into a supportive and empowering community of 5,000+ girls. Elisabeth has helped change the lives of so many college aged girls over the past two years. She has achieved remarkable success at such a young age and deserves to be recognized for such achievement.
Jeanine Kies-Krupp (‘85) is the recipient of this year’s Professional Excellence Award. Jeanine is and always has been amazing. She has been a family practice physician in various clinics in Wisconsin. Jeanine has worked tirelessly in rural communities with the respect for her patients and cares for them as if they were her own family. She volunteers her time helping others. She is the first person everyone calls when things go wrong and she never turns anyone away without help. She puts her family and her patients before anything else. She is a hero and defines one who goes above and beyond to help others.
Rosary High School is a Catholic, college-prep high school for young women sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois. Rosary creates a sisterhood of truth, faith and strength.